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Holy Cross History Association HCHA
Masters Degree, 1968, Chemical
Engineer Pitt University
Miscellaneous Family Photos
My Notre Dame, IN, Retirement Location
Holy Cross Village Retirement Apartment
My Children's Web Pages
My Extended Family History
Brothers and Sisters in a
2002 Photo
My Genealogy Pages
1. My Mother's Kress Ancestors - In Loving Memory
2. My Basic Ancestral Family Tree
3. My Dad's ODonnell Ancestors - In Loving Memory
4. My ODonnell Family Tree Going Back to 1505 Ireland
5. "Peter's 1993" - Our
Irish, O'Donnell Ancestors History
6. Y-DNA
ODonnell Surname Project
7. Fionan O'Healai, 70,000 person
Family Tree & spreadsheet
To love
is not to give of your riches
but to reveal to others
their riches, their gifts, their value,
and to trust their capacity to grow.
So it is important to
approach people
in their brokenness or littleness
gently..... so gently
not forcing yourself on them
but accepting them as they are,
with humility and respect
by Jean Vanier